Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scientific Method- Activity 1 1/12/11

Talk about process regarding car that does not start, what do you do?

If my car didn't start I would make sure the wheel is not in lock and it's in park. If it's turning over I would give it a little gas to see if that would help being that it's really cold out. If it didn't turn over I would then call my dad and do what he tells me. If I really had to be somewhere I would call up one of my guy friends who live on campus and they could come take a look at it. If I really had to be somewhere I would either walk or not go.

What is the Scientific Method, explain the process and steps?
The scientific method consists of collecting data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses.

  • The steps of the scientific method are to:
    • Ask a Question - observation and description of a phenomenon or phenomena. Ask a question you are trying to answer
    • Do Background Research - some research on how you think the answer to your question may be
    • Construct a Hypothesis - formulate a hypothesis to explain the phenomena.
    • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment - performance of experiemental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.
    • Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion - what happened in your experiment? Did it go with or against your hypothesis? What could you do different next time?
    • Communicate your results

  • Relate the scientific process to the experiment that you performed on surfaces and liquids
    When thinking about the experiment that I did last night, it aligned with the scientific method very well. When I was putting liquids and surfaces together I thought I wonder what would happen if I added, say, water and soap together. So before I did that I thought of a hypothesis... either the soap will create bubbles and dissolve or it will just sink to the bottom and slowly disolve. I then tried the expereiment and watched to see what happened. I observed and took notes and noticed that the soap just sunk to the bottom and slowly began to dissolve. I then drew my conclusion and reflected. This was the same with all of the other experiements. It aligned with the scientfic method very well.

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